Why Jim Gray Calls Calgary's Green Line LRT an 'Unmitigated Disaster': Key Issues and Insights

 🚨 Jim Gray, a 91-year-old oil industry vet, calls Calgary's Green Line LRT an "unmitigated disaster" 🚆💸. Rising costs, mismanagement, and lack of transparency are at the heart of his critique. What do you think? 🤔 #Calgary #Alberta

Bell: The Green Line is an 'Unmitigated Disaster.' Just Ask Jim Gray

The Calgary Green Line LRT project has stirred significant controversy and criticism, especially from seasoned business figures like Jim Gray. Let's dive into why this project has been deemed an "unmitigated disaster" by such a prominent voice.

A Voice of Experience

Jim Gray, a veteran in the oil industry since the late 1950s, turned 91 recently. His deep understanding of business operations and his straightforward manner make his criticisms hard to ignore. Gray's love for Calgary and his concern for its future drive his outspoken opposition to how the Green Line project is being managed.

The Green Line Project: A Brief Overview

The Green Line LRT was envisioned as a transformative transit project, stretching from the far north to the deep southeast of Calgary. However, the execution of this vision has been fraught with issues, leading to significant skepticism about its feasibility and cost.

Phase One: A Costly Endeavor

The first phase of the Green Line, from Eau Claire to Shepard, is already facing severe cost overruns. Initially estimated to cost around $8 billion, this phase's price tag has ballooned. Critics, including Gray, argue that this phase is not just expensive but also falls short of reaching critical areas where most people live.

Gray's Critique

Jim Gray's critique of the Green Line project is multi-faceted, touching on cost, management, and transparency.

Financial Concerns

Gray believes the project's costs are severely underestimated. He suggests the total expenditure could rise to $20 billion, $30 billion, or even $40 billion, far exceeding initial estimates. This financial burden, he argues, will inevitably fall on taxpayers, leading to higher taxes and compromising other essential city services.


According to Gray, the project's mismanagement is evident in the way costs are escalating and the benefits are being oversold. He points out that in the real business world, such a project would never proceed without a solid business case, which he believes the Green Line lacks. The daily expenditure of $300,000 is a stark reminder of the project's fiscal irresponsibility.

Transparency Issues

Gray highlights the lack of transparency from Calgary's city hall, which he dubs the "Cowtown Kremlin." He criticizes the secretive approach taken by city officials, suggesting that if the risks were fully disclosed, the project would be voted down, similar to the failed Olympic bid.

The Bigger Picture

The Green Line project, as it stands, threatens to undermine trust in city governance. Gray laments that city hall has lost the trust of Calgarians, a critical asset for any successful public initiative.

Potential Solutions

Gray and his group propose alternative approaches to the Green Line project. One suggestion is to extend the line from city hall to Seton in the deep southeast without underground stations, potentially reducing costs and complexities.

Gray's Motivation

Jim Gray's motivations are rooted in his deep concern for Calgary's future. Despite the apathy of many Calgarians towards the project's financial implications, Gray remains committed to advocating for a more responsible and transparent approach. His dedication is not about personal gain but about safeguarding the city's prosperity.


The Green Line LRT project, once hailed as a beacon of progress for Calgary, now stands as a contentious issue, with significant opposition from experienced business leaders like Jim Gray. His insights into the project's financial mismanagement, lack of transparency, and potential alternatives provide a critical perspective that city officials and residents must consider.

Your Thoughts?

What are your views on the Green Line project? Do you agree with Jim Gray's criticisms, or do you believe the project is essential for Calgary's future? Share your thoughts in the comments below and join the discussion on how best to navigate this complex issue for the betterment of Calgary.

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