Calgary's Trust Crisis: City Hall at an All-Time Low

Calgarians Losing Trust in City Hall

Calgary city hall seems to be hitting an all-time low when it comes to earning the trust of its citizens. Recent surveys indicate that just under four in 10 Calgarians have any level of trust in their city hall. This marks a significant decline from six years ago when the number was six in 10.

The declining trust seems to coincide with a general dissatisfaction with the city's performance. Concerns about fiscal responsibility are on the rise, with three out of five Calgarians believing that the quality of life has worsened in the past three years. Moreover, satisfaction with city council has eroded, and fewer residents are optimistic about the city's direction.

Value for taxes is also at an all-time low, with fewer than one in 10 citizens supporting the tax hikes frequently imposed by the council. The communication between city hall and Calgarians has deteriorated, exacerbating the trust deficit.

Council's Response

Despite these alarming findings, the response from city council appears lackluster. During a recent discussion, most councillors remained silent on the issue. One unnamed official cited misinformation and disinformation as contributing factors to the erosion of trust, while another mentioned the broader societal challenges of increased political polarization.

Citizen's Perspective

Many citizens feel that their voices are not being heard by their elected representatives. There's a growing sentiment of frustration towards politicians who seem disconnected from the needs and concerns of the people they serve. The recent rezoning proposal, which faced significant opposition from residents, is a prime example of this disconnect.

Moving Forward

In light of these findings, Mayor Jyoti Gondek acknowledged the need for a different approach, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and commitment to Calgarians. However, actions will speak louder than words, and it remains to be seen whether city hall can regain the trust it has lost.


The trust deficit between Calgarians and their city hall is a concerning trend that cannot be ignored. As citizens demand more accountability and transparency from their elected officials, it's imperative that city council takes meaningful steps to address these issues. Only through genuine engagement and responsiveness to the needs of the community can trust be restored.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you agree with the concerns raised, or do you have a different perspective? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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